
Legalett GEO-Slab

The Legalett Air-Heated Radiant GEO-Slab (Structural Slab-on-Grade) or Buried Foundation employs standard building components such as furnaces, piping, Insulation, concrete, and is usually assembled by construction professionals, but self-build ICF Floors for homes can also be built by competent Do-It-Yourself individuals with minimal supervision.


Installation Pictorial for Legalett's Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors


The following photographs provide a pictorial description of the installation of a typical Legalett Structural Slab-on-Grade and Foundation Radiant Floor Heating project.


Steps for Installing Legalett Shallow Foundation & Air-Heated Radiant Floor System


Step 1 - Strip Topsoil | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON1. Strip topsoil and place 3/4" clear stone.Compact, smooth and level.     Step 2 - Underslab Services | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON2. Locate and place plumbing risers and all other under slab services.      Step 3 - Layout Edge Elements | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON3. Lay out edge elements      Step 4 - Install 1st Layer of EPS | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON4. Install first layer of polystyrene insulation  board.      Step 5 - Install 2nd Layer of EPS | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON5. Install second layer of polystyrene insulation board, offsetting the joints      Step 6 - Install 1st Layer of Mesh | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON6. Install the bottom layers of wire mesh on chairs as per drawings (perimeter or bearing walls only)      Step 7 - Install Furnace Box | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON7. Install furnace boxes as per drawings and Product Data Sheets.     Step 8 - Complete Pipe Installation | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON8. Cut and install piping      Step 9 - Insulate Pipework | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON9.Insulate ductwork as per drawings     Step 10 - Complete Pipe Installation | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON10. Complete installation of piping    Step 11 - Install Top Layer Mesh | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON11.Install the top layer of wire mesh, and other rebar as per drawings     Step 12 - Pre-Pour Inspection | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON12. After inspection by Legalett installer, place concrete using vibrator.     Step 13 - Power Trowel Surfaces | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON13. Steel trowel surface using power trowels.Hand trowel around furnace boxes.     Step 14 - Keep Slab Moist for 3 Days | Installation Procedures for Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors ON14. Keep top of slab moist for 3 days to minimize shrinkage cracking     Step 15 - Construction Heaters can be used when installing Legalett Frost Protected Shallow Foundations and Air-Heated Radiant Floors15. A Legalett construction heater can be used during and after placing the concrete and needs to be run for 2 weeks before flooring material installation or permanent insert installation.


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